Vet Info for Pet Parents

Care Your Dog Needs From You This Winter

Winter is a harsh time of the year for humans, but it's difficult for dogs as well. Winter can be harsh on a dog's paw pads, and their sensitive skin as well, including their ears and noses. If your dog is an outside dog, or even if they aren't, they are susceptible to the dangers of the cold outside. Your dog is going to need extra care from you this winter and you need to look out for your best friend. Read on for care that your dog is going to need from you this winter.

Use Pet-Friendly Salt

Look for salt to melt your walkways that are pet-friendly. Don't use harsh rock salt that is toxic for your dog, or that can harm your dog's paw pads. You can find salt that is pet-friendly at your local hardware store, or online. Using sand can also help add traction for your walkways and prevent slips and falls, while not harming your dog. If you notice your dog licking their paw pads a lot, it may be because they are licking the salt on their paws. As such, dip their paws in water and wipe them clean to remove as much salt as you possibly can. Using booties on your dog can also help prevent toxic salt from getting onto your dog's paws as well.

Limit Outdoor Time

Put a limit on how much time your dog spends outside this winter. If your dog loves to be outside, this can be hard, but your dog could suffer from hypothermia or get frostbite if they are outside for too long. Limit how much time your dog spends outside, and on those extra cold days, be sure to put them on a leash so they do not wander too far in the cold and have an issue with being unable to make it back home. 

Keep Your Pet Warm

Keep your pet warm this winter if they are an outdoor dog. Make sure they have shelter and enough warmth. If they are outside in a garage or a barn, make sure this area has heat and enough straw and blankets to remain warm, or bring your dog inside throughout these colder months.

Your dog needs care from you throughout their entire life, but during winter, your dog is going to need extra care from you. Talk to your veterinarian about what other things you can do to care for your dog this winter. If you suspect your dog has hypothermia or frostbite, get them to the veterinarian for a checkup and for treatment. Contact a veterinarian clinic for more information. 
