Is Your Cat Peeing Everywhere A Sign Of A Health Problem?

Cats sometimes pee in places to be territorial but that can usually be nipped in the bud quite effectively with adequate cleaning products that remove the smell of the urine. Without a smell indicator, most cats will typically stop marking the area. However, if your cat is still continuing to pee outside the litter box, it may indicate that there's something else going on. Here's what you need to know about the diseases it could potentially indicate. [Read More]

How To Tell If A Pet Boarding Facility Is Right For Your Dog

Pet boarding facilities aren't all the same, and neither are dogs. Finding good pet boarding services that are also a nice fit for your dog can require you to do some research. Here are a few ways you can ascertain if a pet boarding facility is right for your dog: Speak to Your Dog's Veterinarian Your vet knows your dog, its temperament, and what kind of care will work best for it. [Read More]

Does Your Dog Need Immediate Emergency Treatment?

Like people, dogs sometimes face emergency circumstances when they need to go to the hospital. If your dog has a health crisis in the middle of the night, your regular veterinarian probably won't be available to help them. Fortunately, 24 hour animal hospitals are open constantly, so your pet can always get the help they need. Here are four times when you shouldn't hesitate to get your dog emergency treatment: [Read More]

Three Reasons Why Your Cat Needs Regular Dental Cleanings

Pets are often neglected when it comes to their teeth. It's typically unintentional; many pet parents don't realize that their cats need to have their teeth cleaned on a regular basis, both at home and by a veterinarian. This is why it's important for you to know exactly what your cat is up against if you're not taking good care of their teeth. Here are three potential health hazards they could face without help. [Read More]